Category: Iceland 2019

Iceland Day 10 – Hot Springs At Last

For my last day, I am inspired by the campers at next to me who tell me that the highlight of their vacation was the hot springs at Reykjadalur. There is only one path...

Iceland Day 9 – Epics

Today is a travel day, I have little planned for my journey back to Reykjavik. I pick up hitchhiker on the ring road. A perky young graduate student of environmental science, she tells me...

Dalvik - Grimsey Island ferry

Iceland Day 8 – Arctic Circle

I take the morning ferry to Grimsey Island off the north coast , the only place where the Arctic Circle intersects Iceland. The Circle is marked by a 17,600-pound concrete sphere “Orbis et Globus”,...

Dettifoss Waterfall

Iceland Day 7 – Myvatn Baths

On the four hour drive to Myvatn over the mountain pass and blinding fog, I pick up some more tourist spots. As I cover the gravelly desert road to Dettifoss waterfall, a 4×4 decides...

Iceland Day 6 – Elves

I discovered that sheep in Iceland do not speak English. No matter how much you scream ‘mint sauce’ at them while barreling down the ring road at 60 mph, they refuse to get out...

Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon by Zodiac

Iceland Day 5 – Icebergs

Day 5 is less strenuous. In the morning I leave Vik camping site for a 2 1/2 hour drive to another glacier. On the way I snag an Icelandic style hot dog for breakfast....

Iceland Day 4 – The Glacier

Sólheimajökull is not the largest glacier in the world, though it does spring from Mýrdalsjökull, the largest icecap in Europe. Like all glaciers in Iceland it is rapidly retreating due to global warming. I...

Iceland Day 3 – Rainbow

After my late night with the puffins, I take the opportunity to rest in for the morning and enjoy camping, making myself eggs for breakfast. My ferry to the mainland isn’t till the afternoon,...

Iceland Day 2 – Puffins

I awoke early in Reykjavik, excited by the prospect of puffins. Such strange birds, living most of their lives on the open ocean and returning to land to breed in burrows on cliffs. I...