Paris 2018 – Day 5
I am determined to learn more about the French Resistance. I follow Google Maps to take us to the Musée de l’Ordre de la Libération, but it seems to lead us to some administrative offices. The guard there gives us incomprehensible directions, which we follow, only to find that the soldiers guarding tha museum have no idea that it even exists, and tell us about a museum in Montparnasse that I know is closed while it relocates.
Giving up, I buy tickets to Musée de l’Armée and Napoleon’s tomb. The tomb is spectacular, though some other guys have sort of snuck in by bending the law that dedicates this entire building, with a gold leaf encrused domb, to Napoleon.

Napoleon’s Tomb
On our way out I notice the sign for the museum I am looking for. The soldiers had no idea what they were guarding!
We are excited to find British radios used by undercover operatives, stamps to create forged documents, and Jean Moulin’s clothes.

Jean Moulin’s Clothes
Epee Dingong proves to be a consummate professional as he gets Patricia to give an animated interview, while I pack my stuff. He and I do briefly discuss Rise and Resist while we are waiting for Patricia, he is good at drawing people out to talk about themselves.
After the interview, we sort of wimp out on food, and eat a couple of upscale American style burgers. Perfection. And we are off to London for my father’s funeral
I am travelling into England on my British passport, and therefore am waiting for her in baggage claim. Until I eventually realize that she really is in trouble this time, it cannot be a lost bag, she hasn’t got to baggage claim.
Patricia was in fact briefly detained. Not for political activism, but apparently despite her US passport, the border force agent’s “sniff test” has failed her, he thinks she may be an illegal immigrant. He also refuses to text me to get me to come and talk to her, and demands to know how much money she has in her bank account. Patricia probably doesn’t make matters any better, she is unaware that her US passport does not give her any right to enter the UK, it is entirely up to the discretion of this agent.
Eventually he decides to let her in, with a 32 hour visa stamped in passport.
Of course, his “sniff test” is all about color. Patricia is wearing a loud green dress. Yeah, that’s it. Right.